Please allow a few months prior to the scheduled course to firm up specific dates, times, and details. All course dates are Tentative until registration opens. All courses are subject to Cancellation if enrollment within 2-weeks of course date is insufficient. All courses are held locally in the Phoenix Metro area unless otherwise noted. Choose 'Available Classes' from side menu to see classes currently open for registration.
View Details on Online Courses
Visit for information on Courses offered in Tucson & outside of Arizona.
** NOTE: A COPY of your Registration Form MUST be sent to Chapter 28, regardless of Payment Method. If you are paying by Paypal, please PRINT a copy of the Registration Form and send to the Chapter offices or submit via email to the Course Coordinator. This allows us to have an accurate course count. Thank you.
* By Check - Mail to:
IRWA Kachina Chapter 28, 24 W. Camelback Rd, #A-428, Phoenix, AZ 85013
You may also pay by check online through Paypal, with your own verified account.
Send payment to Account: '' with registrant name & course details in notes.
* By Credit Card (or Paypal Credit) - Online:
Submit payment online via Paypal using the button below.
(You do Not need your own Paypal account to submit using this method for credit cards.)
Place the Registrant Name and Course Number in the notes section. -
Also, complete the registration form and send to the Course Coordinator via mail, fax or email.
After clicking 'Pay Now', you will be re-directed to the secure Paypal payment site.
To make a credit card payment without setting up an account, choose the Bottom option at this site.
Paypal is a long established and well trusted site, if you would like to have your own account.
REFUND Policy:
WRITTEN notification must be received by the Course Coordinator prior to class start date to be eligible for a refund, as detailed below.
100% - Notice received 15 days or more prior to class start date
75% - Notice received less than 15 days prior to class start date
0% - Notice received on or after class start date
Cancellation Policy: All classes scheduled by IRWA chapters are subject to cancellation. Class registrants are encouraged to contact the Course Coordinator prior to making travel arrangements, keeping in mind the class may be cancelled at any time at the Chapter’s discretion. Fully liquidated damages for any losses incurred by a class registrant are limited solely to a refund of the registrant’s pre-paid course registration, if any, and IRWA and its chapters assume no other registrant liability resulting from class cancellation.